Success Stories

Couple preparing a healthy meal.

All the Right Moves

"I can move, I'm happy and I know life is worth living."


Sheryl took big steps to change her life, including knee replacement followed by bariatric surgery.

Back to Life

Brian's decision to have bariatric surgery resulted in a happier and healthier life. Hearing the words, "you'll be dead in 5-10 years" was the catalyst he needed to change his unhealthy lifestyle. With his much-needed support system, Brian reached his weight loss goal.

Max | 215 pounds

Presurgery weight: 400+ pounds (scales wouldn't go higher)


I had the bypass surgery. I learned a lot about myself going through the entire process of getting the approval, day of surgery and beyond. The day of surgery I was nervous and not fully committed to having it done. I kept looking for the way out of the hospital. I am happy I stayed and went through the procedure.

The surgery gave me many things but, I feel the most important thing was better sight. I was able to see exactly what years of poor food choices had done to my body. My mental and physical health were was way worse than I was willing to admit to myself.

Since surgery, I am able to clearly see the type of life I never thought I would live to see. Surgery did not instantly make all of my health issues disappear. It took time and effort to improve myself. The surgery was a tool I used to improve myself. I am no longer a spectator of my life. I am an active participant in my life and the lives of my family. I’ve hit a few bumps in the road and strayed from the diet. But I got back on track and have started hitting more goals than I could have pre-surgery.

My original goals were oriented toward my weight and the scale read. Originally, I wanted to be below 300. Any number below 300 would work. Then it was to get to 215. The more work I put in, the more I started to see I needed to focus on physical activity goals. I do calisthenics every day. I’m working toward doing work in the weight room. I walked a lot before, and now I want to run for miles. “Food is fuel.” If it’s not good fuel then it won’t help my body.


Carol | 185 pounds

Presurgery weight: 245


Surgery was definitely a life change; a tool and not a fix. Life was very difficult personally the first 2 years after surgery for me and luckily I had the strength and the tools to help me stay on track. I definitely don’t get it perfect each day, but I sure try! I've not been on blood pressure medicine since surgery and feel so much better.

Every day is a new start and each time I make a bad food choice, I start over at the next meal. I would do it over again in a second. No regrets!!

Jennifer | 174 pounds

Presurgery weight: 285


Having bariatric surgery was the best decision I made for myself in a long time. It was a whole new lifestyle for me and one that has been easy to maintain. I am three years in and still learning new ways to stay healthy and happy.

It’s also nice to know the TWLC team is always available for questions or suggestions.

You can find so many more success stories and see before and after photos on our Facebook and Instagram.