Nutrition & Exercise

Nutrition & Exercise

We understand how difficult it can be to change the eating habits you may have had for many years. We can help you make that transition. Whether you choose surgical weight loss or medical weight loss, you meet with a dietitian many times during the program. They work with you every step of the way and are always ready to answer questions and provide support by phone, email and social media.

Meet Our Dietitians

Michelle Garcia, RD, LD

Michelle Garcia, RD

Michelle Garcia received her bachelor’s degree in Dietetics from the University of Central Missouri. She completed her dietetic internship at WVU/ Ruby Memorial Hospital. It was there she developed her passion for working with Bariatric patients. She enjoys working one on one with her patients, helping them set goals for better nutrition and better health. She loves problem solving with them, encouraging them when facing difficult challenges and cheering them on as they lose weight.


Becky Hager, RD, LD, CPT

Becky Hager, RD

Becky Hager received her bachelor’s degree in Dietetics: Food and Nutrition from Northwest Missouri State University. She completed her dietetic internship at Iowa State University. Becky has a Certificate of Training in Obesity Interventions for Adults and is also a certified personal trainer. She works one-on-one with patients to provide dietary advice and promote healthy eating habits. Becky enjoys helping her patients make lifestyle changes while motivating and celebrating their individual successes throughout their weight loss journey.


Cameron Mottet, MS, RD, CSOWM, LD

Cameron Mottet, RD

Cameron Mottet earned her bachelor’s degree in Human Environmental Science, majoring in Human Nutrition and Hospitality Innovation with a focus in Dietetics from the University of Arkansas. She received her master’s degree in Medical Dietetics and completed a dietetic internship at Saint Louis University. Cami is is also a board certified specialist in obesity and weight management. She works with patients on nutritional and lifestyle modifications. She also provides accountability and support throughout the weight loss journey. Cami enjoys helping patients reach their weight loss goals and become healthier versions of themselves.


Jackie Roth, MS, RD, LD

Jackie Roth, RD

Jackie Roth received a bachelor’s degree in Dietetics and Nutrition from the University of Missouri. She completed her master’s degree in Dietetics and Nutrition at the University of Kansas Medical Center. Jackie has a Certificate of Training in Adult Weight Management from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietitians. She is a member of the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietitians. Jackie is passionate about nutrition and wellness; inspiring her patients to take control of their lives. Jackie also works as the Total Weight Loss Center’s program development specialist. In this role, she focuses on helping patients stay connected to each other and the bariatric program through social media and other support paths.