Long Term Guidelines

Woman with pants much bigger than her size showing weight loss.

These tips can help you lose weight and maintain that weight loss over time.

  • Attend all follw-up visits.
  • Stay active in the bariatric surgery support group.

Food and Nutrition

  • Schedule your meals and snacks to help avoid grazing.
  • Do not skip meals. Eat three protein-centered meals daily spaced evenly throughout the day. Until you can consistently meet protein goals with food alone, have a protein drink between meals.
  • Eat protein first at every meal. Men need 70-80 grams per day and women need 60-70 grams per day. Take protein supplements between meals until you are consistently getting enough protein with food alone.
  • Sip at least 64 ounces of non-carbonated, sugar-free beverages between meals throughout the day. Do not drink 30 minutes before your meal, with your meal, or for 30 minutes after your meal.
  • Eat slowly. Meals should take 20-30 minutes. Remember to chew your food to the consistency of baby food.
  • Take your vitamins and minerals daily. This is a lifelong requirement.


  • Increase activity as tolerated and as directed by your surgeon. Your goal is at least 150 minutes per week.
  • If you have limitations due to pain, do what you can. Water exercise may be a good alternative because it doesn't put as much pressure on your joints.
  • Try parking further away, taking the stairs, and pumping your legs up and down while watching TV.

Other Post-Surgery Informatin

  • Constipation may be an issue after surgery due to decreased intake of food, fiber and fluids. To reduce your risk of becoming constipated, meet your daily protein and fluid goals, and add fiber to your diet where you can. If you need a fiber supplement, take Benefiber® or Metamucil Clear and Natural®. Increase fluids if you add in a fiber supplement. If needed, take Miralax®.
  • If you smoke, stop. Smoking isn't good for your pouch, and it can cause ulcers. Check out our smoking cessation tips.